Seven Simple Steps to Self-Love

Seven Simple Steps to Self-Love

People often get so overwhelmed with the tangle of life that they seldom take time to reflect upon themselves, taking away from them the very essence of making the right decisions – a balanced mind, that is capable of thinking clearly. And that makes them vulnerable to making the right choices at the wrong time, or wrong choices, after all! And the best way to avoid it is Self Love. Giving oneself the same importance that one gives to others. And doing it first. There may be a lot of platitudes about it, but when it comes down to it, it’s easier said than done. Here is a readymade to-do checklist that will give you the freedom of granting yourself the power of self-love. Take a look at Seven Simple Steps to Self-Love!

They say that they don’t teach you about life in the classroom. But there are times when you come across something totally unexpected. In the critically acclaimed movie, The Pursuit Of Happyness, Chris Gardner sees a mural on the wall outside the day care facility his son attends, on which the word ‘happiness’ was misspelt as ‘happyness’. Sure thing, it was a mistake. But it did say something about life. That happiness starts with You, and not I.

One: Wiping the slate clean

We all have done things in life that we’re not proud of. Ultimately, one day we are compelled to knock the doors of our conscience in the hope of absolution. Self-admission or self-acknowledgement is the first step towards this reprieve.

Two: Being receptive

Now let’s move on to the second important step in the Seven Simple Steps to Self-Love. Blessed are those who receive honest criticism rather than false ovations. If we are to progress, it is imperative we take all the negative feedback in our stride. And treasure those who show us the mirror time and again. For, it is the criticisms that help us sculpt out a better version of ourselves. One can’t state enough the importance of improvisation, which is at the core of self-development.

Three: Making amends

You must have heard the saying – change is the only constant. We often tuck ourselves into a cosy little corner – the infamous comfort zone. But what many fail to acknowledge is that monotony stalls progress. Every once a while, it is important to look back and see where we came from and reflect upon where we want to go. This small self-assessment allows us to take a stock of the situation and course-correct just in time, if at all. And this course-correction is the key to making the right choices at the right time.

Four: Food for thought

There is a science behind what we eat and the effect it has on our mind. Classified as satvik, tamsik and rajsik meals, these foods have a strong influence on our thoughts and actions. Satvik meals uplift the mood and promote immunity and intelligence. Excessive rajsik meals tend to lend negative emotions such as delusion, greed, ego, etc. Tamsik meals typically promote anger, dullness, sleep disorders, and acidity, among others. Depending upon one’s comfort, a balanced diet may however constitute a controlled consumption of a combination of all these types of meals.

Five: The power of emotions

Late Japanese author and entrepreneur Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted a scientific experiment to prove that emotions have the power to alter physical structure of water. Known as the water crystal experiment, the process involved exposing separate identical glasses filled with pure water to different words and pictures that conveyed positive and negative emotions. Finally, both waters were photographed microscopically to observe their crystalline structures, which led to an astounding discovery. Molecules of water that were exposed to positive emotions had a beautiful and symmetrical structure, while those that were exposed to negative emotions had ugly and distorted structure. Given the fact that our body is about 70% water, it should come as no surprise that positive vibrations go a long way in ensuring not just a peaceful mind, but also a healthy body.

Six: In good company

As much as it is easy to say that we must have positive emotions, it is difficult to do so. That’s because people tend to influence us easily or we fall trap to circumstances. And that may influence us negatively, leading us to take our eyes off the metaphorical ball. For a happy tomorrow, we must be conscious of the choices we make today. It’s all about actions and consequences, after all.

Seven: Belief in Karma

It’s true that what goes around, comes around. We all have heard about the concept of Karma. Whether they are the bedtime mythological stories that have been passed over generations, or the moral stories of Panchatantra, the best Hollywood flicks or the superhits of the Bollywood box office – they all echo the same message – do the right thing. Conscience is the biggest pacifier of soul. And so, if we want to love ourselves, it is imperative to have a clear conscience, which is only possible by following one simple rule – ‘do good, be good’.

There sure is no magic wand to start loving ourselves overnight. It takes conscious effort. And if we follow these seven steps, we can be sure about catching a peaceful, good night’s sleep and waking up to look at ourselves in the mirror to say those three magical words: “I love me.”

Hope you enjoyed reading the seven simple steps to self-love. Please do post your progress in our comments section.
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